What is Central Committee?

The County Democratic Central Committee is the central body of the county Democratic Party. This group makes decisions on internal leadership, and things like candidate endorsements and community partnerships.

There are several ways to become a member of the Central Committee. Federal and State elected officials automatically get a vote and an alternate appointment. Others are elected to represent their Assembly District. That is what I am running for. Each district gets 6 voters that are elected in the Presidential Primary. They each get to appoint an alternate that has a voice in the regional caucus

The regional caucuses are broken down by location: Metro West & South Area cover the parts of the 80th assembly district and other areas include East, North Coastal and North Inland.

When the groups convene together to ratify area recommendations, it is known as a meeting of the “Central Committee.” These meetings are open for any Democrat to attend, but for those that can’t you can give a voice to 1 or up to 6 of the over 20 people running for Central Committee in the 80th Assembly District.

These members have a unique opportunity to build relationships within the party so that our community can have a louder voice and better seat at the table. This is why a track record and relationships matter.

I am currently a Voting member of the Central Committee and hold one of the 6 public ballot spots (I was elected to fill a vacancy.) I am also currently a member of the executive board as I am the Secretary for the San Diego County Democratic Party.

I hope you will support my candidacy for Central Committee!

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  • Written by voterafael

I’m running for Central Committee!

I have been approved to be on the 2024 ballot by the registrar of voters! I look forward to earning the vote of the Democrat voters in the 80th Assembly District.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out: Rafael@VoteRafaelPerez.com or (619)333-0116

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  • Written by voterafael